Boxing & UFC
Ronda Rousey Fought Her Husband, Travis Browne In 911 Episode

Ronda Rousey has been kicking ass as L.A. firefighter Lena Bosko on Fox’s 9-1-1 series, and a recent plot line on the show has led her to also kick ass in the literal sense.
On this week’s episode of the show, Rousey’s Lena brought Eddie, played by Ryan Guzman, to a fight club to help him work out his anger issues.
But it turns out that Lena wasn’t there just to be a spectator, and she preps for a fight. We see her squaring up against a very tall, jacked guy…who just happens to be played by Rousey’s real-life husband, Travis Browne.
As TMZ reports, Lena easily wins the fight. She hits Browne with a superman punch, then she “slams his head against a truck, hits him with a judo throw and then obliterates his face with some elbow strikes from the top position.” Not too shabby.
We suspect that Rousey was probably more comfortable shooting her fight scenes than the tsunami scenes seen at the beginning of the season.
While filming the show, Rousey shared a very graphic Instagram photo where she revealed that she almost lost her finger in an accident on set when a boat door fell on her hand.
“Freak accident, first take of the day a boat door fell on my hand, I thought I just jammed my fingers so I finished the take before looking…
I returned to filming the next day and finished my scenes before returning home to recover. Modern medicine amazes me, I already had 50% range of motion back in 3 days,” Rousey explained.