“You’re On Your Own Path, Don’t Look At What Other People Are Doing For Comparison”: Naomi Osaka Consoles Fan In A Q&A Session

Naomi Osaka has achieved so much at just 23 years of age. The world no.3 has already topped the WTA rankings, and she has conquered 3 slams.
At her young age, Naomi has also become an icon in defending the black community’s rights to be praised all over the world for her activism.
Recently, the Japanese sensation had one of her entertaining QA sessions on Instagram, and she was caught by a fan that was comparing his or her own path to Naomi, saying: “Found out you’re only a year older but accomplished way more in life.”
Naomi is a very caring person and she took the keyboard to give a lovely reply saying that she had the same issue in the past and eventually everyone has his or her own path.
This was Naomi’s reply:
“So I was scrolling fast asf but this caught my eye and kinda hurt my heart because I used to be like this too. I compared myself and my achievements to other people all the time.
I would feel pressured because of age as well, but I promise you that you don’t have to worry about that, you’re on your own path and don’t look at what other people are doing for comparison.
Your only competition is yourself. You’re the only person living your life and walking your path so treasure that.”
Naomi Osaka and the Australian Open
Naomi has not been playing competitive tournaments since she conquered the US Open back in September. The tennis star will try to capture her 4th slam at the upcoming Australian Open that she won back in 2019.
In the meantime, she has been enjoying her prolonged break in her fabulous house.