Former Miss Japan: “Naomi Osaka Is A Role Model, Japan Should Be Proud Of Her”

Former Miss Japan – Priyanka Yoshikawa recently spoke about one of the most talked about players in the tennis world right now – Naomi Osaka. She further feels that that Osaka can break down cultural barriers in Japan.
“Naomi is definitely a role model,” Yoshikava told AFP. “Japan should be proud of her – she can definitely break down walls, she will have a big impact.”
Osaka, born to Haitian father and was raised in the United States is foreseen as someone who can make Japan more proud.
“The way she speaks, and her humbleness, are so Japanese,” said the 26-year-old. “Japan puts all ‘haafu’ in the same bucket,” added Yoshikawa, referring to the Japanese for “half” – a word to describe mixed race.
“Whether you’re part Russian, American or African, you’re still categorised as ‘haafu’ in Japan.” Though Osaka does not speak Japanese well, Yoshikava feels it’s not about the language barrier. “Why does that bother people? It’s just because she has darker skin and is mixed race.
People still ask me if I eat curry every day or if I can use chopsticks! But she’s what she thinks she is. If you think you’re Japanese, you’re Japanese.” She ended by saying, “Naomi can definitely do so much good in the future.
But it’s still going to take more time for people to think ‘haafu’ can be Japanese,” she warned. “We need more people like Naomi.”